Survivor Story: Charlotte - Survivor at 18-months Old
A regular infant well-check in January 2009 led to a journey that no parent should need to navigate. For an 18-month old there wasn’t even the knowledge of being sick, yet alone facing a potentially life threatening disease.
Diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma (liver cancer), Charlotte required a liver resection, followed by three 4-week chemo treatments. Young Charlotte was a trooper, a warrior who was solid rock for her parents, grandparents, and other family and friends closely following her.
Spending the first 3 days after the liver resection in the PICU because of the intravenous pain treatment, it was tough for Mommy, Daddy, and Granny Meryl who could not pick her up, hold her, or cuddle with her. She was too young to know what was happening, but whilst she was upset and fussing, she was also a solid rock and the strength that got us all though.
For our family, Valentine’s Day will always now be associated with chemotherapy. It was February 14, 2009 when Charlotte started her first chemo-cycle consisting of a number of drugs including Cisplatin, Vincristine, and Fluorouracil (5FU). For us, love on Valentine’s Day means something completely different to what most folks think about.
Charlotte has grown into a smart, strong, and creative tween, soon to enter middle school. She has a heart for cancer awareness, including fundraising for those with cancer.